Southwest/Southland Dairy Farmers are committed to providing a safe, fun and educational learning experience while continuing to seek the highest standards of health for all of our employees and attendees. The following protocols are being followed at all events we attend.
• Southwest/ Southland Dairy Farmers employees will all follow current social distancing and sanitation guidelines.
• Employees will take their temperatures at home before leaving for an event. If temperature is over 100 degrees, they will not be allowed to attend school/event they have scheduled.
• Masks will be worn at all indoor events and if requested, will be worn at outdoor events as well. If event allows, masks can be taken off during presentation for clearer understanding of what is being said.
• Employees will wash their hands with soap and water whenever possible or using an alcoholbased sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) when soap and water is not available.
• It is requested that all school/event staff that converse with Southwest/Southland Dairy Farmers staff wear masks as well, and take proper social distancing precautions, and avoid shaking hands.
• MDC units will be set-up 10 feet away from all audiences and will use physical barriers.
• The MDC exhibit is a completely hands-off activity and audience members will not be allowed to touch any part of the unit or cow.
• Southwest/Southland Dairy Farmers will adhere to all policies and procedures in place at the school/event that is being attended.
• All promotional items will be counted in advance and given to the teacher/event coordinator for distribution. If attending a fair or large event, place items on a table and allow people to pick up their own items.
• Deep cleaning and sanitation of equipment will take place after each school/event has concluded.