Suzie Reece
Mobile Dairy Classroom Instructor- Oklahoma

Suzie Reece has been employed by Southwest Dairy Farmers since July 2017. She is a graduate of Oklahoma State University’s College of Education. She taught elementary school for 22 years. Suzie was raised in a farm family that has a long history of dairy tradition. She is the proud mother of two boys, together they run a family farm that is very diversified. They have a few Jersey and Holstein cows along with a small herd of Charolais and Angus cows. Their farm also includes horses and chickens.
Suzie enjoys sharing her love and knowledge of agriculture in the community as she is involved in several community groups including Oklahoma Home and Community Education Extension, Perkins Round Up Club, Payne County Dairy Supporters and Ripley FFA and 4-H Booster Club. Her hobbies include cooking, gardening, attending rodeos, and spending time at the lake.