Meet The MDC

Watch Us Now And See Us Later

This year, the continuing COVID-19 pandemic has upended many school districts' plans to return to a 100% in-person learning in the fall, with many districts opting for a virtual model or a hybrid model that incorporates some remote instruction. As such, many school districts are limiting or eliminating popular school functions, due to local, state and/or federal guidelines for social distancing, that require the congregating or social mixing of students and school staff.

Unfortunately, the Southwest/Southland Dairy Farmers Mobile Dairy Classroom visits and presentations fall within this category. We realize these restrictions are in place for the health and safety of students and teachers and are only temporary. Therefore, we look forward to a quick resumption of our always highly requested FREE scheduled tours.

But, until then, we would like to offer you and your students the next best thing. We invite you to sign up for our "Watch Us Now and See Us Later" three-part program that lets you: 

  1. Watch our newest video, "Welcome to the Mobile Dairy Classroom", that showcases our experiential tour of a dairy farm and the goodness of dairy;
  2. Be part of a Zoom video call personally introducing you to one of our Mobile Dairy Classroom instructors/presenters and their partner cow, and an informative discussion on dairy nutrition, with a follow-up Question and Answer session; and
  3. See a scheduled, live-on-site, FREE Mobile Dairy Classroom presentation in the spring when the Mobile Dairy Classroom can visit your school.

Individual schools are encouraged to have several classes sign-up for this program at the same time, with each class participating in a Mobile Dairy Classroom presentation during its spring visit.